Frequently asked questions

Questions & Answers

1Where is my order?
When you complete an order via checkout you get an email with all the information regarding that order. When your order change status you will also receive an email about the process and tracking info.
2Can I modify my order?
Of course, you can modify your order if you don't like it, but it should be noted that once the order has been delivered to the carrier, it cannot be modified, we hope it is understood.
3Can I cancel my order?
Of course, you can cancel your order if you don't like it or don't want it to be completed, it should be noted, however, that once the order has been delivered to the carrier, it cannot be canceled, we hope you understand.
4How can I change the shipping address?
If you have registered in our site prior to your order you can easily edit your shipping address. Otherwise you can always send us your order number via the contact form for any amendments.

What is crochet?


Crocheting is a form of handicraft for the manufacture of knitted objects quite different from knitting with needles.

All the evidence shows that knitting is a relatively recent invention.

The first findings of knitting were found in Egypt and date from the 11th to the 14th centuries.

Crochet is a process of creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn, thread, or other strands of material using a crochet hook.

Crocheted items were found in the graves of both men and women during this time period, which indicates that both genders participated in this craft.